Universal Registration Document 2019

14 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT General information regarding the Company 1 is pursuing two objectives: refocusing its activities on selected technologies in high added value primary components, and more closely targeting its CAPEX. LISI AUTOMOTIVE sells the screws, chassis studs and joints business belonging to its subsidiary LISI AUTOMOTIVE Former in Saint-Florent-sur-Cher (turnover of €36.1 million in 2018). This disposal, following the recent acquisitions of the American companies Termax and Hi-Vol Products, enables the LISI AUTOMOTIVE division to continue to refocus its activities high added value components. 6.8  /  Mission – Strategy During the 2019 financial year, LISI S.A set up a Steering Committee to manage the process of developing a mission statement for the Group. The latter will be based on the principles adopted by the Company and the values that have underpinned the Group’s decisions for many years. Its mission will also be consistent with the approach to CSR, which is currently being finalized. The objective for LISI S.A is to finalize this work during the 2020 financial year so that the Board of Directors can approve the Company’s mission statement. 6.9  /  Company name – Head Office and legislation Company name and head office LISI S.A. – 6 rue Juvénal Viellard – CS 70431 GRANDVILLARS 90008 BELFORT Cedex Legal form of the issuer and applicable legislation “Société Anonyme” (public limited company) governed by French legislation. Place and number of registration ■ R.C.S.: BELFORT 536 820 269 ■ NAF Code: 7010 Z Incorporation and term – Articles of Association Incorporation and term The company was set up on July 5, 1968. Its term expires on July 4, 2067, excepting early dissolution or renewal. Purpose According to article 2 of the by-laws, the company’s purpose is: ■ the acquisition of equity interests in all types of companies, including commercial, manufacturing, financial, securities and property development companies; ■ the manufacture, purchase and sale of all items, especially those relating to screws, nuts and bolts, forging, lathing and machine tooling and building machines; ■ where necessary, all transactions relating to the machine industry and sale of related products; ■ the direct or indirect participation in all transactions or business matters that could have an impact on said business purpose or which could help further the interests of the corporation, by any means, including the creation of new companies, subscription contribution, the purchase of shares and rights; ■ andmore generally, all commercial, securities and real estate transactions, be they directly or indirectly related to the business purpose or likely to facilitate its expansion or growth. Financial Year The company’s accounting period begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. Specific statutory clauses Article 9 ‑ Disclosure Requirements ■ Shares are freely tradable in the absence of any legal or regulatory provisions to the contrary. ■ Shares are delivered by transfer fromone account to another pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth by regulations. ■ The company’s shares are indivisible. ■ If a specific quantity of existing shares is required for a shareholder to exercise rights, or if existing shares are exchanged or issued which grant the right to a new share in return for the redemption of several existing shares, any odd- lot shares or shares that fall short of the minimum number required will not provide shareholders with rights vis-à-vis the company, as it is up to the shareholders to gather the required number of shares and, if possible, to buy or sell the required number of shares. ■ Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 356‑1 of Law No. 66‑537 of July 24, 1966, any person who directly or indirectly holds or comes to hold, within the meaning of Article 356‑1, at least 3%of the capital, is required to declare to the company the total number of shares he or she owns by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the registered office within fifteen days from the crossing of that threshold of shareholding. ■ Shareholders are also required to inform the companywithin the same time period should their stake dip below the aforementioned thresholds. ■ In the event that beneficial share ownership is not reported in accordance with the aforementioned procedures, the shares that exceed the reporting threshold shall be deprived of voting rights for all Shareholders’ Meetings held within a period of up to three months after the date the declaration of beneficial ownership is finally made in accordance with the proper procedures, by one or more shareholders who jointly own at least 5% of share capital, as recorded in the minutes of the Shareholders’ General Meetings.