Universal Registration Document 2019

13 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT General information regarding the Company 1 Market Maker’s Contract The market-making contract complies with the ethical charter of the AFEI and is carried out by: ODDO BHF Mr. Eric Bigotteau Email: eric.bigotteau@oddo-bhf.com Tel.: + 33 (0)1 40 17 52 89 6.7  /  History 1777 Frédéric Japy sets up awatchmovement factory in Beaucourt, near Montbéliard. 1796 Foundation in Morvillars in the Belfort region of the MIGEON & DOMINÉ factory that was to become VIELLARDMIGEON & Cie. Initially specializing in the production of wire, the company quickly diversified into processing. 1806 JAPY Frères and VIELLARD MIGEON & Cie. decide to join forces to launch the first industrial manufacture of forged wood screws in France. 1897/99 A bolt manufacturing business is set up at Champagney by the BOHLY family; the Société Industrielle de Delle is founded by the DUBAIL-KOHLER family in the town of Delle, Belfort. The company quickly begins to specialize in the manufacture of machine-turned screws. 1968 The family-run businesses (BOHLY, DUBAIL-KOHLER and VIELLARD) merge to found a company called GFD, thus becoming France’s foremost manufacturer of standard and automotive nuts and bolts. 1977 GFD acquires BLANC AERO, which specializes in aerospace fasteners and in packaging components for the perfumery sector. This new group is named GFI. This operation is made possible thanks to the entry of the PEUGEOT family into the capital of CID (Compagnie Industrielle de Delle). Over 40 years later, these three families (KOHLER, PEUGEOT and VIELLARD) are still the Group’s key shareholders. 1989 GFI is floated on the Paris Stock Exchange’s over-the-counter market and becomes GFI Industries. 1990/2000 During the 90’s, GFI Industries strengthens in its different sectors through the acquisition of more than fifteen companies in Europe and the United States, while the group withdraws from GFD (standard). 2002 To reflect its business lines more closely, GFI Industries becomes LISI, an acronym of LInk Solutions for Industry. Its three divisions all take the same name, adding to it their main core business: LISI AEROSPACE, LISI AUTOMOTIVE and LISI COSMETICS. 2010 The Group returned to external growth with two major acquisitions: ■ Acquisition by LISI AUTOMOTIVE of two French sites from the American Group, Acument Global Technologies, specializing in the manufacture of fasteners for the automotive industry. ■ LISI MEDICAL purchases a hip implant production site from the US group STRYKER Corporation, one of the world’s leading medical technology suppliers, boosting its initial acquisitions of 2007. 2011 The Group continues the movement to strengthen and build its position in strategic markets started in 2010. The year 2011 was marked by the following transactions: ■ the disposal of LISI COSMETICS, ■ the acquisition of the Creuzet group by LISI AEROSPACE. 2014 Mainly specializing in the forging of metal parts for aerospace applications, the Manoir Aerospace group was consolidated into LISI AEROSPACE with the aim of strengthening the Structural Components arm with the integration of complementary technologies. 2016 The LISI Group acquires 100% of the shares of Remmele MedicalOperations (USA),whichspecializes in themanufacture of implants and minimally invasive surgery instruments. 2017 On October 31, 2017, the LISI Group buys 51% of the shares of TERMAX (Automotive USA) and undertakes to buy back the 49% of the remaining shares by March 31, 2021. 2018 LISI AUTOMOTIVE confirms inNovember 2018 theacquisitionof the American company Hi-Vol Products, thus aiming to strengthen its global position in the production of mechanical safetycomponentswithastrongtechnicalbaseinNorthAmerica. 2019 LISI AEROSPACE sells two subsidiaries: ■ INDRAERO SIREN in Argenton-sur-Creuse and Déols (France), ■ LISI AEROSPACE Creuzet Maroc in Casablanca (Morocco), whose principal activities are sheet metal and the assembly of aerostructures (turnover of €61 million in 2018, 705 employees). Through this transaction, LISI AEROSPACE