Universal Registration Document 2019

(1) The transaction volumes and securities traded correspond to the average recorded only for the Euronext market. 11 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT General information regarding the Company 1 6.5  /  Share buyback program In place at December 31, 2019 On April 26, 2019, the Combined General Meeting authorized the Company to repurchase up to 10% of its treasury shares in the open market for a period of 18 months, i.e. up until October 26, 2020. Thus, LISI S.A. plans to launch a stock repurchase program for the following purposes, in decreasing order of importance: ■ to increase the activity of the stock on the market by an Investment Services Provider via a liquidity contract in accordance with the professional code of ethics recognized by the AMF (the French financial market authority); ■ to grant stock options or free shares to employees and corporate officers of the Company and/or its Group; ■ to retain and use shares as consideration or payment for potential acquisitions; ■ to cancel shares purchased, subject to the approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting to be called at a later date. This authorization applies on the following condition: ■ the Company may not repurchase its own shares for more than €60, not including transaction fees. The highest figure that LISI S.A. would pay if it purchased shares at the ceiling price set by the Shareholders’ General Meeting, i.e. €60, is €269,812,680. Under the above-mentioned share repurchase program, LISI S.A. acquired 200,681 treasury shares in 2019, i.e. 0.4% of the total number of shares issued. On the other side, the Company sold 234,978 shares, i.e. 0.4% of the total number of shares issued. Shares have been purchased and sold within the scope of the market-making contract with Oddo Corporate Finance. The market-making contract complies with the ethical charter of the AFEI. The transactions carried out by the Company on its own shares are summarized in the table below: Number of shares Average weighted price in € Securities held at 1/1/2019 914,553 8.39 Shares acquired in 2019 200,681 27.49 Shares awarded in 2019 None Shares disposed of in 2019 (234,978) 26.63 Securities held at 12/31/2019 880,256 7.88 Of which shares allocated to remuneration in shares 864,053 Of which available shares 16,203 New share buyback program For the next Shareholders’ General Meeting, to be held on April 24, 2020, it is proposed that the LISI S.A. share buyback program should be renewed. The program will be renewed under the same conditions, as indicated in Chapter 7 – General Meeting (13 th  resolution). 6.6  /  Liquidity of the share Float capital turnover rate: 40% Average number of securities traded per day in 2019: 36,400 Month Closing price Highest price Lowest price Session average Transaction volumes (1) Securities traded during the month (1) 2017 January 33.51 34.00 30.56 32.28 17,631 543,201 February 34.50 36.50 33.25 34.88 21,267 612,710 March 33.90 34.81 32.10 33.46 15,226 456,318 April 36.00 36.30 31.03 33.66 18,451 555,536 May 39.08 40.00 34.92 37.46 19,363 524,822 June 41.71 42.20 37.95 40.08 23,516 587,510 July 40.73 42.30 39.78 41.04 14,822 362,614 August 36.94 41.04 36.70 38.87 18,259 474,025 September 44.34 44.72 36.65 40.68 28,392 700,108 October 39.40 47.58 37.76 42.67 37,490 879,513 November 38.90 40.45 35.08 37.76 24,099 636,938 December 40.10 41.66 38.16 39.91 23,025 578,696