Universal Registration Document 2019
127 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Corporate Social Responsibility 4 10 / Non‑financial indicators Indicators (from January 1 to December 31) Unit 2018 2019 Changes 2019 vs. 2018 Changes 2018 vs. 2017 % Energy Municipal water consumption m³ 465,720 522,785 57,065 12.3% Consumption of water drawn directly from the natural environment m³ 366,379 267,771 -98,608 -26.9% TOTAL WATER CONSUMPTION m³ 832,099 790,556 -41,543 -5.0% Electricity consumption MWh 321,135 311,181 -9,954 -3.1% Natural gas consumption MWh 171,042 157,679 -13,363 -7.8% Liquefied petroleum gas (butane - propane) consumption MWh 5,941 5,348 -593 -10.0% Domestic fuel consumption MWh 1,673 1,417 -256 -15.3% Consumption of other energies MWh 560 570 10 1.8% TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION MWh 500,351 476,196 -24,156 -4.8% Wastes Sorted metal T 23,806 22,220 -1,586 -6.7% Paper - Sorted cardboard T 575 617 42 7.3% Sorted plastic T 344 329 -15 -4.5% Sorted wood T 1,125 917 -208 -18.5% Oil (soluble + whole + whole and water) T 2,507 2,412 -96 -3.8% Other household waste (non-hazardous) or non-sorted household waste T 3,067 2,966 -101 -3.3% Hazardous wastes (without oil) T 15,511 13,026 -2,484 -16.0% Percentage of recycled waste % 60.4% 72.5% 0 20.0% Workplace accidents TF0 LISI 6.59 5.87 -0.73 -11.0% TF0 LISI + temporary workers 7.28 6.83 -0.44 -6.1% TF1 LISI 9.02 8.04 -0.98 -10.8% TF1 Temporary workers 21.22 21.18 -0.04 -0.2% TF1 LISI + temporary workers 10.05 9.01 -1.04 -10.3% Number of occupational diseases Unit not measured in 2018 37 Incidents and complaints Number of outbreaks of fire Unit 132 112 -20 -15.2% Number of incidents requiring the intervention of outside help Unit 7 13 6 85.7% Formal notice sent by the authorities Unit 6 11 5 83.3% Number of complaints issued by stakeholders Unit 20 25 5 25.0% HSE training Number of HSE training hours completed hours 58,873 47,393 -11,480 -19.5% theme 2018 2019 Difference in absolute terms Difference in % Turnover 6.91% 6.19% -0.72 -17.54% Absenteeism 3.45% 3.41% -0.04 -1.16% % women 22% 22% 0 0% Training hours 222,129 179,165 -42,964 -19.34% The differences between the data published for financial year 2018 and the 2018 data published for comparative purposes for 2019 are due to corrections made to the 2018 data, which were at the time measured for certain sites and indicators.