Universal Registration Document 2019
9 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT General information regarding the Company 1 * Including direct and indirect holdings VMC: 21.16% FFP Invest: 19.02% CIKO: 16.73% ** Reserved for performance share plans 54.8% CID* 1.9% Treasury shares** 5.1% FFP Invest 5.8% VMC 32.4% Free float (including 1.4% in employee savings plans) Changes in share capital over the past five years Date of Shareholders’ General Meeting Date of Board Meeting Nature of the transactions Nominal increase (reduction) in capital Increase (reduction) in Capital inc. premium Number of shares created (canceled) Nominal value of shares Total number of shares after issue Capital after transaction Capital at 12/31/2019: €21,645,726 divided into 54,114,317 shares with €0.40 face value 04/25/17 02/14/18 Capital increase reserved for employees 36,177 € 2,744,915 € 90,442 0.40 € 54,114,317 21,645,727 € 04/25/13 07/24/14 Division by five of the face value of the share – – 0.40 € 54,023,875 21,609,550 € 04/25/13 02/20/14 Capital increase reserved for employees 36,562 € 1,781,301 € 18,281 2 € 10,804,775 21,609,550 € Share capital authorized but not issued None. Potential capital securities At December 31, 2019, there are no warrants providing access to capital. 6.3 / Breakdown of share capital and voting rights – Shareholders’ agreement 12/31/2019 12/31/2018 as a % of the share capital as a % of voting rights in number of shares as a % of the share capital as a % of voting rights in number of shares CID 54.8 65.9 29,643,620 54.8 66.8 29,643,620 VMC 5.8 6.5 3,112,793 5.8 6.6 3,112,793 FFP INVEST 5.1 6.1 2,750,000 5.1 6.2 2,750,000 Other corporate officers 0.4 0.4 200,375 0.4 0.4 200,375 TOTAL CORPORATE OFFICERS 66.0 78.9 35,706,788 66.0 80.0 35,706,788 of which directors 0.2 0.2 111,440 0.2 0.2 111,440 Treasury shares 1.6 880,256 1.7 914,553 Employees 1.4 0.9 770,000 1.4 0.9 758,000 Public 31.0 20.2 16,757,273 30.9 19.2 16,734,976 GRAND TOTAL 100.0 100.0 54,114,317 100.0 100.0 54,114,317