Universal Registration Document 2019

113 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Corporate Social Responsibility 4 Employee commitment The “voice of employees” is one of Human Resources’ priorities. Each site initiates an annual Quality of Life at Work (QVT) survey. Following the analysis of the results, focus groups (or working groups) staffedwith volunteers are created to provide a qualitative answer. An action plan is then created and deployed on-site. Completion and monitoring The QVT survey covers the following subjects: ■ working conditions and environment ■ the Company and communication ■ training and skills ■ autonomy ■ work and Management relations ■ work-life balance ■ recognition ■ CSR was added in 2019 In 2019, the average satisfaction rating was 77.2%. Health and well-being at work The LISI Group is committed to the well-being at work of all its employees. Each site establishes specifications and initiatives at local level. For example: LISI AEROSPACE ■ Regular communication to help employees with certain health issues (weight loss, diabetes management, help to quit smoking); biometric tests, USA. ■ On-site osteopath visits (Paris, Saint-Ouen-L’Aumone), France. ■ Appointment of coaches in workshops on the Rugby site, United Kingdom. LISI AUTOMOTIVE ■ Stretching exercises in the La Ferté plant, France. ■ Improvement of air quality through the centralization of smoke extraction in Delle and Grandvillars, France. ■ Ergonomicworkon theworkstations inDelleandGrandvillars, France. ■ Personalized program against tobacco addiction in Fuenlabrada, Spain. ■ Massages in Mellrichstadt, Germany. ■ Fruit baskets set up on the sites in Heidelberg and Mellrichstadt in Germany and Zhuozhou in China. ■ Regular information is provided to employees on good practices for a healthy lifestyle (German and US plants); LISI MEDICAL ■ Implementation of a well-being week; on-site osteopath visits, Neyron, France. ■ Employees can benefit from personalized well-being programs monitored by a coach, Minneapolis, USA. A clinic and a fitness center in the workplace in Lake Zurich, United States, LISI AUTOMOTIVE ■ The mission: improving the health and well-being of employees via activities and advice. ■ A team: one coach (who provides nutrition advice, physical exercises) and one nurse. ■ Expanded opening hours to allow employees to attend before or after work or during lunch breaks. ■ Frequency of use: 15 patients per day for the clinic; 70 employees for the fitness center.