Universal Registration Document 2019

112 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Corporate Social Responsibility 4 2019 plan: On December 11, 2019, on the proposal of the Compensation Committee, and under the authorization of the Extraordinary General Meeting of December 26, 2019, LISI’s Board decided to award performance shares to themembers of the Executive Committee and to the members of the main Management Committees of the LISI Group’s three divisions, subject to the achievement of all or part of the following performance criteria: Revalued Net Assets (RNA) of at least €1,450 million at December 31, 2021. If the RNA is between €1,450 million and €1,700 million, the shares would be partially allocated according to a percentage defined by the Board of Directors. If the RNA is between €1,700 million and €1,980 million, the shares would be partially allocated according to a progressive percentage defined in the rules of the allocation plan. If the Net Asset Value is higher than €1,980 million, the shares would be allocated in full. The maximum allocated number of shares is 154,640 shares and concerns 218 employees in France and abroad. With regard to the corporate officers, the Board of Directors decided that they should retain in registered form 20% of the free shares that may have been allocated to themuntil the end of their employment. c) Information on the award of performance shares as at December 31, 2019 The following table details the award of performance shares outstanding as at December 31, 2019: Number OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT YEAR START 456,270 Options allocated during the period 154,640 Options cancelled during the period (21,430) Options exercised during the year 0 Options that reached maturity during the period (161,170) OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT YEAR END 428,310 Options that reachedmaturity during the periodare definitively lost and will not result in the issuance of shares. Options allocated to date and that may be allocated during future financial years are deducted from treasury shares without resulting in the issuance of new shares. The following table presents the breakdown by date of allocation of stock options outstanding as at December 31, 2019: Allotment date of options Exercise price in € Number of options outstanding at December 31, 2019 Remaining contractual term 12/13/2017 None 125,890 February 2020 12/12/2018 None 143,780 February 2021 12/12/2018 None 4,000 February 2021 12/11/2019 None 154,240 February 2022 12/11/2019 None 400 February 2022 TOTAL 428,310 d) Plans in place as at December 31, 2019: Date of Shareholders’ General Meeting Board of Directors Category Plan No. Number of options allocated Of which corporate officers Of which members of the Executive Committee Of which 10 top employees Number of residual beneficiaries Exercise period Subscription or purchase price Cancelled options Remaining options at 12/31/2019 AUTHORIZATION OF 12.01.2015 12.13.2017 Plan No. 14 154,660 9,200 20,250 16,750 185 * None 28,770 125,890 AUTHORIZATION OF 12.01.2015 12.12.2018 Plan No. 15 152,590 9,200 19,600 16,300 226 ** None 8,810 143,780 12.12.2018 G Plan No. 15 bis 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 2 ** None 0 4,000 AUTHORIZATION OF 04.26.2019 12.11.2019 Plan No. 16 154,240 10,200 21,940 18,260 217 *** None 0 154,240 12.11.2019 G Plan No. 16 bis 400 0 0 0 1 *** None 0 400 *Beginning on the date of the Board of Directors meeting that approves the 2019 results (February 2020) **Beginning on the date of the Board of Directors meeting that approves the 2020 results (February 2021) ***Beginning on the date of the Board of Directors meeting that approves the 2021 results (February 2022) G = Free