Universal Registration Document 2019

110 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Corporate Social Responsibility 4 Over the past several years, LISI AUTOMOTIVE in France has developed specific career paths geared to strategic occupations: cold forging, heat treatment, machining, rolling, lamination, automatic control, surface treatment and tapping. In 2019, close to 5,100 hours were spent on these career paths and 27 CQPM/CQPI (specific metalworking certifications) were obtained. A few examples of career paths ■ In Puiseux, the creation and launch of a machining training school in partnership with AFORP (CQPM Tool & Die Maker 609 hrs over a 14-month period) started in October 2018 following several months spent preparing and looking for the rights profiles (in partnership with Pôle Emploi (Job search national organization) and the GIM [metalworking industry group]). To date, two employees have completed this training and should obtain their CQPM in 2020. This will help to replace the numerous retirements expected over the next three years in this sector. ■ In order to better train for the complexity of the stamper occupation, an internal cold forging school was created in eastern France. A complete curriculum combining theory and practice was created over the course of 2019 and a first group of eight interns will start this training in early April 2020. A dedicated stamping machine and room are available for learner on the Dasle site. ■ A wire drawing path was finalized on the wire drawing site in Grandvillars: wire drawer career path with the AFPI for 59.5 hours, i.e. 8.5 days, for two wire drawers with an exam in 2020 to obtain an “Autonomous TeamMember in Industrial Production” CQPM. Over 109,000 hours of training, representing in excess of €3 million, have been delivered at LISI AEROSPACE. Cross‑training sessions (workstation training sessions) continue to be deployed throughout Anglophone countries (United Kingdom, United States and Canada). In the LISI MEDICAL division, the Hérouville Saint-Clair site has launched specific initiatives to strengthen and perfect the machining and robotization skills of its operators (ABB, FEECS, DMG). The US sites are also implementing cross-training sessions. 4.3  /  Retaining talent Fostering talent is a major priority for LISI, which has set up a number of tools and initiatives to increase talent employability and retention: ■ mobility, ■ compensation, ■ employee commitment, ■ well-being at work. Mobility The Group has made internal mobility, both geographic and functional, one of the linchpins of its human resource policy. The diversity of the activities and business lines, as well as the international dimension, allows employees to follow individual professional careers. Employees can be agents in their own development and career path thanks to the “Job Forum” accessible on the Group Intranet. Furthermore, during annual reviews, line managers discuss how their staff would like to develop their careers. The review process (assessment of talents and skills) implemented by LISI also adapts employee mobility and development programs to Group objectives and further personalizes career paths. LISI AEROSPACE mobility charter This charter applies to any change fromone position to another positionwithin the same type of occupation (vertical mobility) or to a different type of occupation (cross-functional mobility). These types of mobilities may also result in a change in site within the division or even to another division of the LISI Group (geographic mobility). Compensation At LISI, compensation is initially linked to the company’s performance and collective and individual achievements. The compensation system includes all financial components and benefits to which each employee is entitled. It is designed to reconcile the recognition of individual performance with the search for internal equity, while taking into account the local economic environment. In France, employees benefit from various schemes that give them a stake in the company’s performance: ■ In 2019, the Group Savings Plan (PEG) became the main savings scheme for all French companies. It allows employees to become shareholders via the “LISI en action” fund. An attractive matching contribution from the employer goes together with this plan. 22% of French employees were LISI shareholders in 2019. This plan facilitated participation in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2018 in capital increases reserved for employees in the sums of €1.47 million, €0.8 million, €1.18 million, €0.9 million and €2.8 million, respectively. For other years, the PEG was renewed in the form of a repurchase of shares. Employees can contribute their profit-sharing proceeds, incentives or