Universal Registration Document 2019

109 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Corporate Social Responsibility 4 4.2  /  Developing talent The LISI Group’s business lines and activities are constantly changing. To better meet customers’ needs and respond to market changes, the Group has implemented a structured training policy to improve the employability of its employees. Employees are therefore constantly offered skill development opportunities as well as many career opportunities. The LISI Group has established the necessary tools to ensure the development of its employees: ■ the LKI corporate university, ■ a repository of cross-functional skills shared among all employees, ■ a network of experts, ■ adapted training courses. LKI corporate university The LISI Group has its own corporate university (LKI). LKI is not only a pillar in the employee skills development strategy but also a major tool for the retention of talents with strong potential. It accomplishes this through the following objectives: ■ offering customized training programs in the following fields: Technique/Businesses, Personal Development, Management & Leadership, to maintain and enhance skills and support change, ■ sharing a global vision, a common managerial culture. ■ exchanging experiences and good practices across the board: multi-sites, multi-countries, multi-businesses, multi-divisions. Key figures 2019: ■ 104 training sessions organized (128 in 2018), ■ 10,882 training hours including 4,886 Management training hours and 5,156 in Techniques, ■ 651 interns (1,014 in 2018). The Group places a strong emphasis on manager training. In 2019, over 5,000 training hours were allocated to support manager development, particularly in France, the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. A specific LKI Committee meets regularly to rule on the university’s development priorities. The LKI Committee is composed of training representatives from each division as well as HR Managers from the LISI AUTOMOTIVE and LISI MEDICAL divisions, the LISI AEROSPACE France HR Manager and the Group HR Development Manager. In 2019, five meetings took place to implement the following initiatives: ■ E-learning development. Since mid-2019, management teams have access to a platformoffering over 1,000 training courses on personnel development, compliance, management and business line skills. ■ The creation of new training courses for the 2019 and 2020 catalog: training of trainers, project management, business intelligence, female leadership. ■ Newdesign guidelines that promote the Group identity of the University. It should be noted that work on the permanent LKI premises has been launched, an area greater than 650m² is the subject of building work and/or redevelopment. In 2021, theGroupwill have amodern teaching space available to all its employees. Cross-functional skills Regardless of their business line or location, all teams share the same cross-functional skills . These consist of ten skills: communication, continuous improvement, customer focus, results focus, exemplary conduct, leadership, development of others, personal commitment, teamwork and technical and functional excellence. Each year, employees complete a skills evaluation with their managers within the context of annual appraisal interviews. In 2019, LISI worked on creating a skills repository adapted to the status of each employee: contributor, manager or director. Expert network In 2019, LISI developed a program regarding the Expert network. The teams’ expertise is a true competitive edge with regard to achieving the Group’s strategic priorities: innovation and operational excellence. Dual objectives: ■ reconciling business needs with the technical skills that already exist within LISI to support the strategic plan, ■ retaining and developing “core business line” experts. Several initiatives were launched in 2019: ■ precise definition of experts’ roles, ■ mapping of technical fields as well as the priority issues for 2020, ■ validation process for experts. Specialized career paths LISI ensures that all employees, regardless of their age or position, have access throughout their career to the training courses necessary for the construction of their career path and their adaptation to changes in the businesses. In 2019, 179,135 training hours were delivered (221,000 in 2018). Thus, training investment in 2019 for all of the Group’s companies worldwide amounted to more than €6 million (€8 million in 2018).