LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019
2020 Events The General Meeting of Shareholders will be held on April 24, 2020 on company premises: Immeuble Central Seine – 46‑50 Quai de la Rapée, 75012 PARIS. Dividend payments will be made on May 5, 2020. Sales revenue for the second quarter of 2020, as well as half-yearly accounts will be available on line via the company website ( ), on July 23, 2020. Financial information for the third quarter of 2020 will be available online via the Group website on October 21, 2020 after close of market. Securities accessible to individual shareholders In 2019, the Group continued to develop commu- nication with individual shareholders, including the organization of shareholder meetings in Toulouse in partnership with F2IC and CLIFF, as well as the company’s participation in the Actionaria tradeshow in Paris. The Group’s objective for 2020 is to continue to develop communication with individual share- holders in a similar way. This shareholder communication policy which also includes specific quarterly letters, a document called “Investing in LISI” and an animated film, has made it possible to bring their number to more than 3,600 at the last TPI analysis performed for the company in May 2017. Capital breakdown 54.8% CID* 1.9% Treasury shares** 5.1% FFP Invest 5.8% VMC 32.4% Free float (including 1.4% in employee savings plans) * Including direct and indirect holdings VMC: 21.16% FFP Invest: 19.02% CIKO: 16.73% ** Reserved for performance share plans Stock Identification Sheet ISIN Code: FR 0000050353 Reuters code: GFII.PA Bloomberg code: FII.FP Compartment: A Eurolist Stock marketplace: Euronext Paris Number of shares: 54,114,317 Market capitalization as at December 31, 2019: €1,626 million Indices: CAC ® AERO&DEF, CAC ® -All Shares, CAC ® Industrials. Contacts For information or documentation LISI S.A. Financial Department • Phone: +33 (0)3 84 57 00 77 • E-mail: Relations with shareholders, investors, financial analysts and the financial and economic press: • Mr Emmanuel Viellard - CEO. List of brokers Agnès BLAZY Léa SAENZ DE CABEZON Laurent GELEBART ID MIDCAPS Denis SCHERRER Christophe MENARD Jean-François GRANJON Jérémy SALLEE 91 LISI 2019