LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019
A socially responsible player Thanks to the strong involvement of the 11,171 women and men who make up LISI in 2019, progress is real in terms of new products and industrial excellence. Human capital is crucial here. The LISI Group must therefore constantly improve the attractiveness of all its businesses and all its sites. This notably involves excellence in health and safety at work, an area in which LISI has achieved remarkable results (frequency rate of accidents with and without lost time decreased by 54% in 10 years) and where the Group aims to always do better. These actions will be complemented by efforts to guarantee that its supply chain will be managed ethically and responsibly. LISI is committed to a comprehensive approach as a socially responsible player. This concern, which has been at the heart of the Group’s decisions for many years, will now gain in structure. It will be deployed at all levels of the company, not only methodically, but also with great conviction. Its activities must be cleaner, more attractive and beneficial to all stakeholders. To achieve this and fully play its role in society, the LISI Group must therefore display sustainable growth results by transforming constraints into opportunities. The LISI Group is therefore bolstered by its rich history and diversity and continues to prepare for the future, even in difficult times. EMMANUEL VIELLARD Chief Executive Officer The long-term vision on which the LISI Group relies does not rule out permanent adaptation to ever‑changing market conditions. 07 LISI 2019 GILLES KOHLER Chairman of the Board