LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019

The Controlling Operating System program, with the support of the financial departments of each division, is continuing to roll out. Its goal: spread economic awareness to all levels of the organization. The year 2019 thus saw the launch of several improvement and training projects. They have increased the Group’s agility and ability to anticipate and respond more effectively to the needs of plants in a complex environment. COS ASSESSMENT 2019  3 Silver plants 26 Bronze plants  95 % of the plants integrated into the program, in accordance with the deployment plan COS PROGRAM Raising economic awareness 53 LISI 2019 Training for all Launched in 2019, the COS Basics course is gradually training all employees in financial concepts in an interactive format. These training courses help to create synergies between the LEAP and COS programs, in particular by promoting the financial impact of continuous improvement across the entire company. The first sessions of COS Intermediate training, integrated in 2019 into the LKI university program (see p. 58) , fostered the financial skills of operational managers and members of the Management Committees. COS, first levels Silver The award of the first Silver levels rewards the work carried out by each of the 3 plants – Čejč in Czech Republic, Izmir in Turkey and Rugby in the United- Kingdom – rewarded in 2019. Thanks to their commitment, the teams of these sites have reached the necessary maturity in the management processes, allowing them to actually raise economic awareness across all levels of their organization.