LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019

I n i t i a t e d i n 2017, L I S I ’ s d i g i t a l transformation is accelerating. The Group has implemented several digital projects in manufacturing operations and in administrative processes. Several key milestones were reached in 2019. Boost team meetings In partnership with a start-up company, a Digital PSM (Problem Solving Management) platform has been set up to revitalize the daily teammeetings focused on problem solving. This fully digital solution makes it possible to capitalize on data, boost exchanges and raise employee awareness about quality issues. Manage production in real time Two proofs of concept (POC) are currently being conducted in France and the United States to assess two technologies for the future production control system (MES). It must enable access to production data in real time and be able to make faster decisions. A passion for progress 247 robots per 10,000 employees Number of robots / 10,000 employees With 305 polyarticulated robots and 200 Cartesian robots in operation in 2019, LISI today has a ratio of 247 robots per 10,000 employees, against an average of 154 in French industry. Innovations / Digital transformation 38 LISI 2019 247 in 2019 203 in 2018 172 in 2017