LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019
1 0 2 3 4 5 6 Importance for the Interested party Importance to LISI’s BUSINESS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Preserving biodiversity Preventing pollution and harmful substances Involvement in regions Social dialogue Situation posing a risk to Human Rights Responsible purchasing and CSR promotion in the value chain Product conformity Health and safety at work Transition to tomorrow’s business lines Attracting and retaining talent Energy efficiency Adapting to climate change Limited carbon impact Preserving water resources Innovative and responsible products, eco-design Business ethics Environment Social Supply Chain Society-related Safety of products and personnel A substantive approach an integral part of the group strategy Committed for many years to an active approach to sustainable development, the LISI Group wanted to further structure all of its action. In 2019, it defined 5 strategic areas in terms of social and environmental responsibility. The CSR targets will be included in its strategy from 2020, in the same way as those relating to its commercial development and operational excellence. LISI's CSR strategy, inspired by the ISO 26000 standard, will be gradually implemented and deployed across the entire company. From the Group's parent company to the 45 industrial sites, it will aim to respond concretely to the global, as well as local, challenges of its stakeholders. Sustainable growth 28 LISI 2019 CSR FOCUS Materiality matrix