LISI GROUP - Activity report 2019

€ 1.46 B Consolidation of Manoir Aerospace. Development of the A350 and LEAP programs. 2015 2019 2011 2017 2009 2013 2016 2012 2018 2010 2014 € 695 M Acquisition of Acument Global Technologies (LISI AUTOMOTIVE) and Stryker Corp. (LISI MEDICAL). € 925 M Acquisition of Creuzet Aéronautique (LISI AEROSPACE). € 1.15 B Strong growth in aerospace and automotive activities. Improvement of operational excellence. € 1.64 B Acquisition of Termax followed by that of then Hi-Vol Products (LISI AUTOMOTIVE). Industrialization of LEAP engines (LISI AEROSPACE). Integration of Remmele (LISI MEDICAL). 15 LISI 2019