LISI GROUP - Financial report 2014 - page 14

General informationregardingthecompany
The Shareholders’ Meeting is composed of all the shareholders,
regardlessof thenumberof shares theyown, provided that the shares
are fullypaid-up. The right toattend inpersonor tobe representedby
proxy issubject:
1.For registeredshareholders, to the registrationof their shares inapure
oradministeredpersonalaccountat least5daysbefore thedateof the
2.Forholdersof bearer shares, if anyexist, to the submissionwithin the
same period of time, of a certificate established by the authorized
proxyacknowledging theunavailabilityof the shares registered in the
accountuntil thedateoftheMeeting.
However, theBoardofDirectorsmay, asageneral rule, reduceorwaive
TheMeetingsarechairedby theChairmanof theBoardofDirectorsor,
inhis absence, by theoldestDeputyChairman, or in theabsenceof a
DeputyChairman, by themost seniordirectorpresent at theMeeting.
Failingthis, theMeetingmayelect itsownChairman.
Barringany legalorregulatorymeasurestothecontrary,eachmember
of the Shareholders’ Meeting is entitled to asmany share votes as he
owns or represents, both in his own name and as a proxy, without
limitation. However, certain shares have double the voting rights of
other shares in viewof theproportionof share capital they represent,
1.All fullypaid-upshares registered in thenameof thesameshareholder
forat least four (4)years;
2.All shares allocated freeof charge to shareholders aspart of a capital
increase carried out through the incorporation of reserves, profits or
issuepremiums,uptothenumberofexistingshares forwhichtheyare
Double-voting rights cease to apply once the shares change hands.
However, theaforementioned timeperiod isnot interruptedanddouble
voting rights still apply in the event that transfers occur as a result of
inheritance, liquidation of community property between spouses or
donations inter vivos to a partner or family relationwho is entitled to
In the event that shareholders vote by proxy, only those proxy votes
thathavearrivedat thecompanyat least3daysprior to thedateof the
Moreover, the attendance of a shareholder at the Annual General
Meeting shall consequently render null and void thepostal voteand/or
the formof proxywhich said shareholdermayhave,whereappropriate,
sent to the company; the shareholder’s presence shall override any
other formof participationwhichhemayhavepreviously chosen. If the
shareholder is not present at themeeting, his power of attorney is only
taken intoconsiderationwithrespecttothevotescast inhisproxyvoting
form, ifonehasbeensubmitted.
Shares are freely tradable in the absence of any legal or regulatory
Sharesaredeliveredbytransfer fromoneaccounttoanotheraccording
tothetermsandconditionsset forthbyregulations.
Thecompany’ssharesare indivisible.
If a specificquantityof existing shares is required for a shareholder to
exerciserights,or ifexistingsharesareexchangedor issuedwhichgrant
the right toanewshare in return for the redemptionofseveralexisting
shares, any odd-lot shares or shares that fall short of the minimum
number requiredwillnotprovideshareholderswith rightsvis-à-vis the
company,as it isup to theshareholders togather the requirednumber
ofsharesand, ifpossible, tobuyorsell therequirednumberofshares.
Without prejudice to the provisions covered in article 356-1 of law
no. 66-537 of July 24, 1966, any personwho owns or acquires at least
3%of share capital either directly or indirectly, as set forthunder the
provisionsof saidarticle 356-1,must report the total number of shares
that heowns by recordeddeliverywith confirmationof receipt to the
company’s registeredofficewithin 15 days of this 3% thresholdbeing
Shareholders arealso required to inform the companywithin the same
Intheeventthatbeneficialshareownership isnotreported inaccordance
with the aforementioned procedures, the shares that exceed the
Meetings held within a period of up to 3 months after the date the
declaration of beneficial ownership is finallymade in accordancewith
theproperprocedures, byoneormore shareholderswho jointlyownat
least5%ofsharecapital,as recorded in theminutesof theShareholders’
The corporatedocumentspertaining toLISI S.A. (by-laws, Shareholders’
GeneralMeeting reports, Auditors’ reports andall documents available
to shareholders) canbe viewedupon request at the corporation’s head
office at the following address: Société LISI S.A., Le Millenium, 18 rue
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