LISI 2011 —
— financial report
Risk factors
– the TF0 frequency rate is at 9.4 and TF1 at 17.4.
(the TF0 represents the number of workplace accidents involvingwork
stoppage, which involved a LISI employee, per million hours worked.
the TF1 represents the number of workplace accidents with or without
work stoppage involving a LISI employee, per million hours worked).
Aiming high
As part of the clearly stated aimof achieving a level of excellence in the
areas of Safety and Environment, the LISI Group has decided to extend
some ambitious objectives:
– to pursue improvements in the frequency rate of workplace
accidents involving work stoppage, with an objective of 5,
– to acquire ISO 14001 certification for all LISI sites,
– to optimize the environmental impact of our sites.
At the end of 2011, 95% of the LISI Group production plants had
ISO 14001 certification; the uncertified sites are those which were
acquired during the course of the year.
The company has carried out a review of the potential risks which
could have an unfavorable effect on its business, its financial situation
or its results (or on its capacity to achieve its objectives) and considers
that there are no significant risks other than those disclosed.
A worldwide adventure
with a responsible culture
Safety and environment
Themeasure of environmental and social impact of industrial activities
of a business is today an indicator as efficient as the economic and
financial performance. For several years now, the LISI Group has been
engaged in an effort to maximize this impact. Measurement tools
have been implemented and room for improvement identified. Action
plans have now begun and certain steps have been completed:
– almost all the sites are certified to ISO 14001,
The carbon footprint
of all our activities
In order to better coordinate and manage the impact of its activities
on the environment, the LISI Group will establish the carbon footprint
of all its manufacturing sites by the end of 2012. This will involve three
main steps. The first one consists in clearly defining the deployment
perimeter of this carbon footprint. The second consists in focusing on
collecting data, in order to gather as much information as necessary
for determining that footprint. Finally, the data must be analyzed and
used to define and calculate the potential reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions. Based on the results of these first three steps, LISI will then
define the best ways to reduce its carbon footprint.
An environmentally responsible
Each year, LISI monitors some environmental indicators in order to
track the impact of its production plants on the environment.
The water consumption
Water consumption m /€k production
Between 2010 and 2011, water consumption in proportion to
production fell by 19%. On LISI’s production sites few manufacturing
processes use water, mainly for washing parts and for surface
treatments. Hence, these plants have carried out individual actions
with a view to reducing their water consumption.
In addition, given that many LISI sites have long histories, it is
essentially the search for leaks in the old networks which has allowed
water consumption to be reduced drastically.