Page 6 - Financial report 2011

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LISI 2011 —
— financial report
General company information
Person responsible for the annual report and auditors
Name and title of the person
responsible for the annual report
Mr. Emmanuel VIELLARD
Deputy Chairman
Statement by the person responsible
for the annual report
“I certify, after taking all reasonable measures to that end, that the
information contained in this annual report is, to my knowledge,
consistent with reality, and includes no omissions likely to alter its
meaning or interpretation.
I certify, to my knowledge, that the financial statements are prepared
in accordance with applicable accounting standards and present a
true picture of the assets, the financial condition and the results of the
company and the entities included in its consolidation scope, and that
the management report contained in Chapters 2-3-4-5-6 presents a
true picture of the evolution of business, the earnings and the financial
position of the company and the entities included in its consolidation
scope, as well as a description of the main risks and uncertainties
they face. I received from auditors, Ernst and Young and Exco Cap
Audit, a letter of completion of work, stating that they have verified
the information regarding the financial situation and the statements
contained in this annual report and have read the entire document. I
have secured from the auditors, Ernst and Young and Exco Cap Audit,
a letter of completion of work, stating that they have verified the
financial information and the financial statements given in this annual
report, and that they have read the entire document.”
Paris, 12 April, 2012
Emmanuel Viellard
Deputy Chairman
Statutory auditors
Regular auditors:
• EXCO CAP AUDIT represented by Pierre Burnel
2 rue Jules Emile Zingg – BP 9
25409 EXINCOURT Cedex
Mandate given April 13, 1993, due to expire during the Ordinary
General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for the period
ending December 31, 2016.
• Cabinet ERNST & YOUNG et Autres represented
by Henri-Pierre NAVAS
Tour First
1, Place des Saisons
TSA 14444
Mandate given April 27, 2011, due to expire during the Ordinary
General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for the period
ending December 31, 2016.
Substitute statutory auditors:
• Mr. Philippe AUCHET
2 rue Jules Emile Zingg – BP 9
25409 EXINCOURT Cedex
Mandate given April 27, 2011, due to expire during the Ordinary
General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for the period
ending December 31, 2016.
• Cabinet AUDITEX
Tour First
1, Place des Saisons
TSA 14444
Mandate given April 27, 2011, due to expire during the Ordinary
General Meeting ruling on the financial statements for the period
ending December 31, 2016
Information policy
Person responsible for the financial
Mr. Emmanuel Viellard
Le Millenium
18 rue Albert Camus
BP 431
90008 BELFORT Cedex
Tel: + 33 (0)3 84 57 00 77 / Fax: + 33 (0)3 84 57 02 00
– Annual report in French and English (hard copy version and CD)
– Press release
All documents are made available to the shareholders. A copy of these
may be requested from the company’s registered offices (at the above
address) or found on the company website. For eleven years now,
the Group has made its institutional site available to the public in
French and English. Annual reports and quarterly updates, as well as
all regulatory information are available to download from the website.