Page 57 - Financial report 2011

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LISI 2011 —
— financial report
Consolidated financial statements
[3] LISI AUTOMOTIVE conventional loan
– Method used to calculate the margin according to gearing:
1. < 0.25: 0.25% per annum.
2. >= 0.25 and < 0.40: 0.30% per annum,
3. >= 0.40 and < 0.80: 0.375% per annum,
4. >= 0.80 and < 1.00: 0.475% per annum,
5. >= 1.00 and < 1.20: 0.60% per annum.
Early redemption:
– Net debt / Shareholders’ equity > 1.20,
– Net debt > than 3.5 years of EBITDA.
[4] LISI AUTOMOTIVE conventional loan
– Method used to calculate the margin according to gearing:
1. <= 0.50: 0.40% per annum,
2. > 0.50 and < 0.75: 0.45% per annum,
3. >= 0.75: 0.50% per annum.
Early redemption:
– Consolidated net debt / Consolidated shareholders’ equity > 1.20,
– Net consolidated financial debt/ consolidated cash flow > 3.5 years.
[5] LISI S.A. conventional loan
Early redemption:
– Gearing ratio > than 1,
– Leverage ratio > than 3 (Net debt / EBITDA).
[6] LISI S.A. conventional loan
Early redemption:
– Gearing ratio > than 1.2
– Leverage ratio > than 3.5 (Net debt / EBITDA)
[7] LISI S.A. conventional loan
Early redemption:
– Gearing ratio > than 1.2
– Leverage ratio > than 3.5 (Net debt / EBITDA)
[8] LISI S.A. conventional loan
Early redemption:
– Gearing ratio > than 1
– Leverage ratio > than 3 (Net debt / EBITDA)
[9] LISI S.A. conventional loan
Early redemption:
– Gearing ratio > than 1.2
– Leverage ratio > than 3.5 (Net debt / EBITDA). Actual sureties
In €m
Capital remaining due
as at December 31, 2011
Guarantees and deposits
Mortgages and pledged assets
The guarantees and deposits granted by the Group to cover loans
taken out from credit institutions are mainly comprised of:
Letters of intention delivered by the Group to banks for €26.8m as
part of:
– The acquisition of the KNIPPING Group by LISI AUTOMOTIVE for
€18.9m in 2005; the capital outstanding at December 31, 2011
being €2.6m.
2.5.7 Deferred taxes
(In €’000)
Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax liabilities
Net deferred taxes
Non-recognized deferred tax assets:
The Company does not recognize its deferred tax assets whenever
it has no sufficient assurance that it will recover carried forward
deficits and tax credits. Deferred tax assets are only recognized if their
recovery is probable. Loss carrybacks not recognized in the balance
sheet at December 31, 2011, would generate deferred tax assets for
Deferred tax assets by due date (in €'000)
– 1 year
1 to 5 years
+ 5 years