94% of waste sorted
LISI works in close cooperation with customers
to reduce the number of hazardous products
handled at the production sites. Between 2010
and 2011, the Group reduced their amount by
19% while the consumption ratio compared to
the activity (€’000 produced) decreased by 16%.
Labor substitution, imposed on the European
scale, is achieved in the long term by the Group’s
R&D teams, which accomplished significant
progress in 2011, particularly on surface
treatment operations. The Group’s customers,
involved in these actions, verify that this has
no impact on the final quality of manufactured
Regarding the waste produced by the sites, the
scope of measures was amended in 2011. Both
indicators have indeed been optimized in an
attempt to make themmore consistent with our
activities. While the tonnage of waste produced
by €’000 of production is still monitored annually,
a new indicator was introduced to measure the
percentage of sorted materials. In 2011, 94% of
the waste produced by the plants was sorted.
The absence of historical records prevents us
from determining whether this percentage is
an improvement. In 2011, 23.5 kg of waste were
produced by €’000, or 17% less than in 2010. This
aspect of things has been identified as subject to
improvement. LISI would like to make it a priority
goal for the coming years.
The environment, everyone’s
All the technical actions carried out by the
Group to improve the environmental impact
of its activities are accompanied by plans and
operational programs designed to encourage
and support behavior change, which are decisive
to materialize the efforts undertaken in that
direction. Switching off machines which are
not in production, correctly sorting waste and
reporting and repairing water leaks are all actions
which are not related to technical resources,
but simply to responsible behavior. To move
towards that goal, LISI, which strengthened the
volume of HSE training of its employees, in 2011
devoted 0.30% of hours worked to safety and
environmental training,
. the same percentage
as in 2010. In order for everyone’s behavior – even
outside the company – to perpetuate the joint
actions set up to reduce the impact of human
activities on the environment.