Page 26 - LISI GROUP - Activity Report 2011

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Human Resources
Attract and develop talents to
prepare the future, train to raise
skill levels according to each
individual’s abilities, protect
and ensure everyone’s safety
or encourage efforts in matters
of gender equality within the
All of these issues
are at the core of the LISI Group’s
approach in terms of managing
its most valuable resource,
namely human resources.
The satisfactory results achieved
by all divisions in 2011 have
made it possible to accelerate
recruitment, particularly at LISI
AEROSPACE, and to strengthen
our efforts on all fronts,
particularly in terms of training.
This is the head count
which the LISI Group inte-
grated to its teams as a
result of the acquisitions
completed in 2011
Total hours of internal
and external training
increased by more than
104% in 2011
The training budget has
increased by 14.7% over its
2010 level (€2.4m)
beings at the heart of the
entrepreneurial organization
All of the LISI Group’s business relies on the
mastery of complex technical skills. The quality
of implementation of the fastening and
assembly systems which the Group offers its
major customers depends directly on the level
of training and skills of those employees who
contribute to the creation of the company’s
wealth. The growing complexity of the market’s
demands, and consequently of the technical
responses implemented by the Group’s divisions,
involve maintaining constant efforts in terms
of training and recruitment. This is the only way
the Group can maintain its level of exigency, and
compensate the natural erosion of its head count
caused by retirement, as well as preserve itself
actively against the shortage of skills it is faced
with in some areas.
prepares the future
Of the 1,261 new employees hired by the
LISI Group in 2011 (of which 101 executives),
711 were recruited by LISI AEROSPACE, whose
business has experienced strong growth,
particularly in Europe. The division also took a
number of measures to maintain and develop
the “pool” of skills its absolutely needs to
guarantee its future.